Startup of a Fiberglass Pool
How do you startup a fiberglass pool? How is the startup of a fiberglass pool different than a plaster pool? These are some of the questions most frequently asked by our customers.
When resurfacing your swimming pool, "startup" refers to the procedures required to ensure that the plaster cures properly, and that the chemicals are properly balanced after the resurfacing is complete. The startup of a Plaster pool surface/finish is very sensitive and much more labor intensive than the startup of a pool resurfaced with our Advanced-Glass fiberglass system. Advance-Glass fiberglass is the EASIEST pool finish to startup and maintain!
Filling the Pool
Once our crew completes the resurfacing process, we will ask you to wait approximately 24 hours before filling the pool, to allow the finish coat to cure. Then, fill the pool as soon as possible with a continuous flow of water. Do not stop filling part-way through.
With Advanced-Glass, no brushing is required during startup! When you do brush the pool for regular ongoing maintenance, use only a plastic bristled brush. Do not use a metal brush. Compare this to starting up a Plaster pool. With a plaster finish, frequent brushing of the entire pool is critical (at least once a day for the first week and at least once a week for the rest of the first month, more often is better).
Chemical Balancing
Initial chemical balancing is easy for your Advanced-Glass fiberglass finish. Work with your local pool store or pool service company to balance the chemicals. Here is our recommendation for chemical makeup of your pool water:
CHLORINE 1.0 – 1.5 parts per million
PH 7.2 – 7.4
TOTAL ALKALINITY 100-120 parts per million
CALCIUM (Hardness) 300 –350 parts per million
After filling the pool, you may have some dirt or debris that has accumulated in the water. You may use your pool sweep or vacuum to clean the pool.
As you consider options for your pool resurfacing project, remember to consider the time and effort you will spend on startup and ongoing maintenance. With our Advanced-Glass system, you will swim sooner (no need to wait several weeks to begin swimming); spend less time and energy brushing the pool; and spend more time enjoying your pool! Life is good with a fiberglass finish!
Newly resurfaced Advanced-Glass fiberglass finish!