Why should I resurface my pool with Fiberglass?
Following are several reasons to consider fiberglass as an alternative to re-plastering a swimming pool:
Fiberglass is much stronger than plaster. Fiberglass has its own structural integrity regardless of what it is applied to, while plaster is brittle and relies upon the surfaces it is applied to for most of its strength. Common failures with re-plastered pools are: Cracking, Chipping and “Pop-Offs”. These occur because new plaster applied to an existing Gunnite/Plaster pool does not bond well. Fiberglass does bond well to any existing swimming pool, and is not susceptible to these failures. The flexible characteristics of fiberglass allow it to withstand earth movement and shifts in a swimming pool much longer, while plaster will crack and chip almost immediately.
Fiberglass provides superior resistance to stains, algae, and discoloration. Fiberglass is nonporous; therefore algae, even black algae, will not adhere to it. The two most common pool stains, copper oxide and calcium, adhere to plaster’s porous surface and are almost impossible to remove entirely. Acid washing is the only way to fight these stains. This method damages the pool surface each time making it more susceptible to both staining and algae. The smooth finish of our fiberglass shell, makes it resistant to these common problems. It is common for plaster to discolor within a few short months which gives an uneven pattern to the look of the pool surface. Our finish coat gives each pool a uniform color and will stay this way for the life of the surface.
A fiberglass shell reduces operational costs of the pool. Re-plastering will usually last only 5-7 years. Our fiberglass shell will last 3-4 times longer resulting in less money spent over the lifetime of your pool. Since organic material is more easily removed from the pool, less chlorine is needed to maintain an acceptable residual. No lye or alkaline chemicals are absorbed into the pool water from fiberglass so proper pH is easier to maintain. The nonporous fiberglass surface is easier to maintain. A pool with a fiberglass finish is easier to clean, brush and vacuum.
Fiberglass is a superior pool resurfacing product. Our finish-coat stays much smoother than a plaster finish and is also much whiter. Using a white finish coat will result in the water appearing bluer and more inviting. Our warranty is much longer than that provided by most re-plastering companies. Fiberglass is a proven product that has been used for many years in numerous industrial applications including automobiles, airplanes, industrial tank liners and spas. It has been used in the area of resurfacing swimming pools for over forty years. After spending forty years in the swimming pool industry, we am convinced that fiberglass is a superior surface for a swimming pool and will, in the long run, be far less expensive.