startup procedures
The following is provided for your reference and information:
Filling the Pool:
Please begin filling your pool according to the time/date shown above.
WHILE pool is being filled, add EasyCare StartUp-Tec. For Summer Startup: One 32oz. bottle for each 10,000 gallons of pool water. For Spring/Fall Startup: Two 32oz. bottles for each 10,000 gallons.
Fill the pool with a continuous flow of water, even if just a small trickle. Do not stop filling part-way through, to avoid the accumulation of a "bathtub ring" that can accumulate at the water-line.
Perform a full professional water analysis to pool water after being filled.
Start the filtration system when the pool is full to the middle of the skimmer.
Balance the water chemistry based on the water analysis.
Once water is balanced, heater, pool cleaners, salt water chlorinators may be added or used.
Brushing the pool is NOT required when starting-up your EcoFinish pool finish. When you do brush the pool for regular ongoing maintenance, use only a plastic bristled brush. Do not use a metal brush on your EcoFinish pool finish, as it can scratch or otherwise mar the surface.
NOTE: We DO NOT recommend using Calcium Hypochlorite and/or floating chemical dispenser as they contain harsh chemicals and will likely bleach the pigment of the EcoFinish finish over an extended period of time. Chemicals should always be added to the water. NEVER water to a chemical. It is the responsibility of the pool owner to ensure pool chemistry remains in industry accepted chemical balance concentration ranges, and all chlorinating agents used are administered, and maintained in the proper manner. Mis-use of Calcium Hypochlorite, such as extreme high concentrations, direct broadcast of into pool, or malfunctioning auto-feeders, may over an extended period of time result in discoloration of the finish.
Chemical Makeup
Below is our recommendation as to the chemical makeup of your pool water:
CHLORINE 1.0 – 3.0 parts per million
PH 7.6
TOTAL ALKALINITY 120-150 parts per million
CALCIUM (Hardness) 200 – 400 parts per million
TDS <1200
Balance chlorine levels using Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione (3" tablets for chlorinator use).
Maintain chemistry parameters shown below.
Add maintenance dose of algaecide.
Shock as needed with Potassium Monopersulfate.
Add directly to the pool. Add McGrayel EasyCare Beautec dosage. For standard pools: 5oz for every 10,000 gallons of pool water. For Salt Pools: 64oz for every 10,000 gallons of pool water. If water hardness level is above 500 parts per million, double the dosage
We feel honored that you chose us to perform the work and have tried hard to have this be a positive experience for you. Should you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact us.
We hope you enjoy your newly remodeled pool.
Advanced Pool Coatings