Among the most dramatic pool remodels that we do are vinyl liner conversions - the process of converting an existing vinyl liner pool to fiberglass. If your pool liner is faded, brittle, torn or ripped, you have a few options: 1) replace the liner, if you can find someone to do it, with another liner - subject to the same risk of ripping or tearing; 2) build a new pool at a significant cost, often exceeding $100,000; 3) get rid of your pool entirely - also an expensive option; or 4) convert that liner to a permanent fiberglass in-ground pool with our Advanced-Glass spray-applied on site to conform to you existing pool!
Replacing your vinyl pool liner with a fiberglass coating will cost far less than building a new pool, and will give you all the benefits that our Advanced-Glass offers. While fiberglass will cost more than replacing your vinyl liner in the short term, over the long term you will save a significant amount of money, time and hassle. Imagine a worry-free pool where you don’t stress about holes, tears or ripples in your liner!
Vinyl Liner Conversion
Advanced-Glass fiberglass coating sprayed on-site
Old Vinyl Liner Pool
Ready for a facelift!