Advanced-Glass Fiberglass Coating in White color
When it comes time to replaster or resurface your pool, the interior finish options you can choose from will depend on the type of pool you have. Most people stick with what they know - if they have a plaster pool, people tend to stick with plaster; vinyl pool owners tend to just replace their liner with another liner when it gets torn or ripped. It’s easy to stick with what you know, even if it has problems - sometimes it’s just hard to change. But I’ll let you in on a little secret…our Advanced-Glass can be applied over any type of pool!! Advanced-Glass can be applied over plaster, pebble, pre-fabricated fiberglass, poured concrete and even replace your old and easy-to-tear vinyl liner! Pool owners who do their research and have the courage to change, are blown away by the Advanced-Glass difference. With Advanced-Glass, we bring the solution to you. Our exclusive Advanced-Glass system is a fiberglass coating that is sprayed on-site, over your existing substrate. Low maintenance and easy on the feet, Advanced-Glass is a premium interior pool finish engineered and proven to last for decades. Take a look at some of the features and benefits below. Also, do some online research and read our Google reviews. Our customers tell us resurfacing their pool with Advanced-Glass is the best thing they’ve ever done to their pool, and wish they had known about it sooner. They become part of an exclusive group of pool owners who don’t need to worry about porous plaster or delicate vinyl liners - they simply enjoy their worry-free pools. So now you are in on the secret - when it comes time to resurface your pool, let us know if you want to learn more!
Advanced-Glass outperforms cementitious materials, will not “pop-off” or disbond like plaster.
No sandblasting and chipping required, no dust around facilities.
Fast application ensuring short down-time, rapid return-to-service.
High-performance resins used. Track record in severe industrial corrosion environments.
Not subject to spalling, staining, roughness & algae.
The most effective method to repair structural cracks in pools. No epoxy injection required.
Excellent water clarity and aesthetic appeal over life of surface.
Drastic reduction in chemical usage due to inert nature of material.
Simple start-up. No brushing and tending needed after application.
Most widely used material for commercial aquatic facilities.
Long-term corrosion resistance, 25 year system applied as opposed to replastering where durability averages 7 years.